Regional Plans

All regional air plans (and also water or land plans) have rules relating to agrichemical use.  These rules often include a requirement for commercial users of agrichemicals to have a Growsafe or equivalent certificate.

Growsafe has summarised the requirements of each regional plan, or you can view the full plan online.

Region Summary document Link to full plan and where to find agrichemical section
North Island  
Northland Growsafe Summary - Northland Regional Plan for Northland - see Section C.6.5 and H.10
Auckland Growsafe Summary - Auckland Auckland Unitary Plan - see Chapter E34
Waikato Growsafe Summary - Waikato Waikato Regional Plan - see Module 6.2
Bay of Plenty Growsafe Summary - Bay of Plenty Bay of Plenty Regional Air Plan (Air Quality - Plan Change 13) - note that parts of this plan relating to agrichemical are subject to appeal. 
East Coast East Coast Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan - see Part C1-4
Hawkes Bay Hawkes Bay Hawkes Bay Regional Resource Management Plan - see Chapter 6.4
Taranaki Taranaki Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki - see Rules 56-58
Horizons Horizons One Plan - Horizons Regional Council - see Chapter 15 Discharges to Air
Wellington Growsafe Summary - Wellington GWRC Proposed Natural Resources Management Plan - see Section 5.1.13 - note this is awaiting final adoption by the council
South Island  
Tasman Tasman Tasman Resource Management Plan - see Part VI, Chapter 36
Marlborough Marlborough Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan - see Volume 2, in particular chapters 3 and 8 - note that parts of this plan relating to agrichemical are subject to appeal. 
Nelson Air Quality Plan - see Chapter 6 Air Quality Rules, in particular AQr.56 and AQ7
Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Air Regional Plan - see Rules 7.77 - 7.79
West Coast West Coast West Coast Regional Land and Water Plan - see Section 11, in particular rules 77 and 78
Otago Otago Otago Regional Plan: Air - see Part IV Rules, in particular rule 16.3.9
Southland Southland Southland Regional Air Plan - see Chapter 6


Resources for planners

The following documents have been developed to assist with the regional council policy and enforcement roles in relation to the safe, responsible and effective use of agrichemicals.  Please contact us on if you have any enquiries about regional plan requirements relating to agrichemicals use. 

Spray investigation - checklist for permitted activity conditions (final 2023)