Online Renewal

Online renewal is available for those who hold a current Growsafe certificate (or it is less than 6 months expired).  If you do not have a Growsafe certificate or your certificate is more than six months expired, you cannot renew online and need to contact a trainer for face-to-face training.  Contact us on if you are not sure whether you have a current certificate - please include your full name and date of birth.

The online course involves some learning, a quiz and also a requirement to demonstrate practical competency by uploading a copy of your agrichemical inventory and three spray diaries (Standard) or an employer verification of your competency (Basic).  The cost is $195.00 including GST (payable when you pass the renewal requirements).  There is no charge until you complete the online renewal so if you try the online option and then decide to attend a face-to-face course, there is no cost to you.  

  • Growsafe Basic - for people operating under supervision
  • Growsafe Standard - for people managing or supervising spray operations or taking responsibility for a workplace

You cannot upgrade from Basic to Standard via the renewal process. You can downgrade from Standard to Basic but usually you will renew at the level of your current certificate. For more information on the new training and qualification requirements for different classes of hazardous products see our training and certification page.

(Note: if you work in a management or high level administrative role in relation to spray application, but you don't actually do any spraying, please contact us at to discuss renewal of your certificate. The Growsafe Theory certificate may be more appropriate.)

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Other online learning available

Certified Handler - online preparation
Certified Handler is required if you are using highly toxic (class 6.1A or B) substances.   Renewal of Certified Handler certificates cannot be completed entirely online. It requires additional evidence of competency such as copies of your tracking records, inventory, spray diaries and emergency plan and may require a site visit. However, as a first step we suggest you complete the online requirements for renewal of your Standard certificate, as you will need a current version of this certificate. We also provide an online course that will help you prepare to apply for the certified handler certificate.
For more details of the certified handler scheme, click here.


Professional development - online options
If you hold a Growsafe RCA or Advanced certificate then you are required to do ongoing education to keep your knowledge current - visit our online learning space and see what is available.