Growsafe Advanced Certificate
Note: this certificate will be available later in 2024.
Who should do this course?

This course is for owners or managers of properties and those who make decisions about the application of agrichemicals and manage or supervise others doing agrichemical application. This includes people working on farms, forests, orchards, vineyards and other industries where herbicides and other pesticides are used. The course is particularly relevant to those using motorised spray application equipment.
Benefits of the course
On successful completion of a Growsafe Advanced course, you will be able to:
- meet all the regulatory and industry requirements for agrichemical user.
- manage agrichemicals in accordance with NZS8409:2021
- demonstrate knowledge of agrichemicals, their mode of action and use of adjuvants
- demonstrate a high level of competency and responsibility in managing the human and environmental risks of agrichemicals.
- manage your obligations under the Hazardous Substance and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO), the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and associated regulations, the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (ACVM Act)
- apply specialist knowledge of the role of agrichemicals in managing pests in their sector, including implementing and monitoring spray plans and/or the effective use of application equipment.
All regional plans specify that agrichemicals used in commercial operations such as farms, orchards, vineyards, forests, must be applied in accordance with NZS 8409. Some plans also specify that supervisors or managers hold a Growsafe Applied (Advanced) certificate or equivalent training.
Course content
The Advanced programme consists of five modules, three compulsory and two elective modules. A minimum of 4 modules (including the 3 core-compulsory), must be completed:
Core compulsory modules 1, 2 and 3
1.Responsible use of agrichemicals
This module covers learning outcomes relating to the core information within NZS8409 and relevant legislation and regulations, with a focus on risk assessment, compliance and the responsible use of agrichemicals. Graduates will be able to develop their own operating procedures to manage risks associated with being responsible for spray operations.
2. Safe Use
This module covers agrichemicals that are hazardous to human health and the implications of risk to their exposure. The course incudes symptoms of poisoning and first aid. It also covers how to avoid adverse effects by developing operating procedures for the correct selection and care of PPE and the management of emergencies involving these toxic substances.
3. Knowledge of agrichemicals
Key learning outcomes of this module are an understanding of mode of action, formulation, environmental degradation and the role of adjuvants. How agrichemical characteristics can be compared, evaluated and assessed to manage pesticide resistance for weed, disease and pest control operations.
Optional modules 4 and 5
4. Planning before spraying
Long term strategic decisions relating to issues such as resistance management and IPM are covered. Use of online planning tools is included, and the main assessment task is to develop a comprehensive management plan specific to an industry crop which not only covers a single year but incorporates longer term planning considerations.
5. Application and calibration
A sector specific module focusing on sprayer set up and calibration to ensure effective use of agrichemicals. An understanding of the importance of droplet size and the role of nozzles and placement is central to this module and graduates will be certified to calibrate their own machinery at a level that meets grower assurance scheme requirements.
On successful completion of the theory and practical requirements for each module you will be awarded a Module Certificate and when all four modules are complete, you will be awarded the Growsafe Advanced certificate, with an endorsement for the sector you work in. Depending on your trainer, you may also have achieved relevant unit standards, such as 15189, 21558, 21560, 21565.
The Growsafe Standard certificate is a prerequisite for this course. The Growsafe Theory certificate is also acceptable. It is also expected that candidates will have at least one year's experience managing pests in the specific sector they are seeking certification prior to commencing the course.
Expiry of certificate and renewal
A Growsafe Advanced Certificate is valid for 5 years, at which time it must be renewed. This is because laws, technology and best practice are constantly changing. While you can read and hear about these changes yourself, your customers and the regulators require evidence that you are up-to-date. Renewal of your certificate must be done within 6 months of expiry. Your Certified Handler certificate can be renewed at the same time (if required). In order to renew the certificate, an individual must undertake both theory and practical assessments.
For those transitioning from a Growsafe Applied certificate to the Growsafe Advanced, these are the requirements:
- A professional conversation with a Growsafe Advanced accredited trainer; and
- Complete any specific online continuing professional development courses required by the Growsafe Advanced accredited trainer following the professional conversation; and/or
- Show evidence of participation in industry training and professional development.
- Undergo a one-off site visit by a Growsafe Advanced accredited trainer, or
- Provide evidence of a successful on-site audit as part of a quality assurance programme such as GAP or SWINZ.
Getting started on Advanced training
Contact us at to express your interest in doing this course when it becomes available.