Growsafe Videos

Knapsack spraying

Checking your knapsack

Learn how to check your knapsack to ensure it is ready to use and working safely and effectively. A knapsack is used for demonstration purposes, though the process is very similar for other types of spray equipment.

Preparing spray mix

This short video takes you through how to prepare spray mix. A knapsack is used for demonstration purposes, though the process is very similar for other types of spray equipment.

Knapsack spraying

New to knapsack spraying? Learn the basic techniques for safe and effective spraying when using a knapsack.

Managing the risk of spray drift

Find out ways to manage the risk of off-target spray drift when using a knapsack sprayer.

Cleaning and decontamination of a knapsack sprayer

Finished spraying for the day?  Watch this video and learn how to clean your knapsack sprayer after use, as well as the decontamination process.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Respirator fit check

Learn how to check the seals of your respirator - something that should be done each time you use it. It will protect your health.
Note that this is not a substitute for a formal fit test done by an occupational hygienist to check that the respirator fits the size and shape of your face.  For more information on fit tests, visit the Commit2Fit website.


Respirator cleaning

This short video will take you through the process of cleaning your respirator with wipes. However, always follow your manufacturer's instructions and in most cases, washing your respirator in warm soapy water will be a better option.



Cleaning PPE

Cleaning your PPE after spraying is a bit more complicated than you might imagine. This video shows one way to clean your PPE. Use the video to start a conversation in your workplace about how well your clean-up avoids contamination of other parts of your workplace and what improvements you could make.


Calibration of measuring equipment

The first step in calibration is checking the accuracy of your measuring equipment such as jugs, and your knapsack tank. Find out how to do this by watching this video.


Emergency response

Spill response

Oops! Learn how to clean up a minor spill of agrichemical before you need to do it.